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If you’re a CSU student, you can take one online course through any of the CSU’s 23 campuses concurrently with your home CSU courses fall or spring semester*. A “fully online” course is any class that’s offered in a completely online environment, no in person or on campus meetings. Many courses are offered in an asynchronous learning mode, meaning no scheduled meeting or exam times.
Choose your home campus to see online courses offered:
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that courses listed on the schedule display for CSU Fully Online will be available to all students. Class status (closed), prerequisites, requisites, program restrictions, or campus cross-enrollment policies may prevent a student from enrolling in CSU Fully Online courses, despite showing on the schedule display. Enrollment through CSU Fully Online is on a space available basis only. Campuses are not obligated to accommodate students if courses are closed, or students do not meet course, department, or campus level requirements.
What is Fully Online?

Fully Online is a cross-enrollment program that allows matriculated CSU students to concurrently take one online course at another CSU campus at no additional tuition cost.* Students must meet eligibility criteria to participate.

Example scenario: A student attends San Diego State University. If eligible, the student may take a fully online course hosted by CSU Chico for credit at the home campus (San Diego State University).

Why? The California State University wants to give students access to online courses offered in a variety of disciplines from each of the 23 system campuses with the goal of expanding enrollment opportunities.

You’re Eligible for CSU Fully Online If:

✔ You’ve completed at least one term at a CSU campus as a matriculated student in a state-supported program** and earned at least 12 units at that campus. Incoming transfer students will not need to meet the 12 earned units and are eligible to enroll their first semester provided all other criteria are met.

✔ Your GPA is at least 2.0 at your campus and you are in good standing.

✔ You are or will be enrolled at your campus during the time you’re taking a fully online class through another CSU campus.

✔ You’ve paid all your tuition as a full-time student.

Questions about CSU Fully Online? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page.
For additional questions, talk to your academic advisor or email
Summer online courses are not offered through CSU Fully Online. See the Cal State Online website for a list of online courses for summer.
Enrollment is done directly through the host campus. Per-unit tuition charges apply.
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Take this self-assessment to learn more about the skills you’ll need to succeed in an online class.

Taking a course through an online format requires different skills than learning in a face-to-face class. It’s important to realize the commitment necessary to succeed in online learning.

Once students have confirmed eligibility for participation, they are asked to complete the self-assessment below.

Enrolling in CSU Fully Online Program Courses
Be sure you’re aware of these conditions for enrollment:
  1. Your concurrent enrollment is approved only for the term specified and is subject to space availability and the registration priority policies at the host campus.

  2. Academic advising is available to you only at your home campus.

  3. You can participate in CSU Fully Online programs only at campuses that follow the same term schedule as your home campus (i.e., semester campus to semester campus, or quarter to quarter).

  4. The host campus (through which you take the online course) may ask you to provide evidence of completion of course prerequisites (i.e., personal transcripts or grade reports).

  5. Financial aid is available only through your home campus. If you’re eligible for veterans, rehabilitation, Social Security and other federal, state or county benefits, you must secure eligibility certification from your home campus.

View all online classes across CSU campuses that you can attend for credit at your home campus!

Do your CSU classmates know about Fully Online courses? Spread the news that they can take 1 online course per term, if they meet eligibility requirements!
*Must meet eligibility requirements. Systemwide tuition is charged by home CSU. No additional systemwide tuition is charged by host CSU for the course. If applicable, non-resident fees are charged by the host CSU as well as any other applicable fees such as material/lab fees and the Graduate Business Professional fees.
**State supported programs are charged systemwide tuition. They do not include Extended Education and certificate programs.
The CSU Fully Online Course website was designed and developed by CollegeSource.
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